1) 所有神秘顧客申請者必須親臨本公司進行培訓及簽署正式合約方可成為神秘顧客,獲派真正工作。
2) 本公司不會向未簽署正式合約之申請者索取戶口及身份證影印本等個人資料。
若有任何有關申請神秘顧客的事項,歡迎致電3543 1811查詢。
聲明人: 萬賢堂管理顧問有限公司 2019年1月30日
Mansfield Consulting Limited has discovered that there is a third party on the Internet imitating the company's logo and trademark to recruit mystery shoppers.
Mansfield Consulting Ltd. declares that:
1) Applicants to the post of mystery shopper will be invited by Mansfield to enroll in training conducted at Mansfield's office at Yau Tong and must also sign a contract in order to become a mystery shopper.
2) Mansfield will not prior to signing the service contract obtain any information pertaining to the identity of the mystery shoppers.
3) Mansfield does not and will not use any forms of social media platforms such as WhatsApp to recruit mystery shoppers.
Please be alerted of the above to avoid potential loss. For any matters pertaining to mystery shoppers, please contact 3543 - 1811.
This declaration is prepared by Mansfield Consulting Limited on January 30th 2019.