Focus Group
Focus group research is one of the most commonly used market research tools to collect qualitative data from experts or individuals in Hong Kong. A small group of people (typically 6-10) will be asked to discuss their preferences and beliefs under the guidance of a moderator (interviewer). Focus group research can be used by marketers or decision makers to:
Understand how people think or feel about certain topics and issues
Provide insights into why certain actions are taken or opinions are formed
Evaluate the problems and opportunities of existing programs
Develop strategies for future programs development
Advantages of Conducting Focus Group Research
The researcher will get information from non-verbal responses, such as facial expressions or body language.
The researcher will interact with the participants, pose follow-up questions or ask questions that probe more deeply.
Results can be easier to understand than complicated statistical data and more efficient to acquire results than individual interviews.

Experienced Focus Group Moderators
The success of focus group research depends on the skills of the moderator. The role of a moderator is to keep discussions flowing and on track, guide discussions back from irrelevant topics, make transitions into another question, and be sensitive to mood of the focus group research.
Mansfield’s experienced moderator team in Hong Kong has conducted over focus groupresearch for banking, FMCG, telecommunications, liqueur, pharmaceutical products, personal care products, etc

Online Focus Group Research
In addition to physical meetings, focus group research can also be conducted through video conversations. The number of focus group research respondents ranges from one to six, and the format is the same as that of a physical focus group research. Observers can also participate through zoom for the convenience of our clients.